Very popular songs or songs that sound mainstream. Because there are so many they're split into three folders.
BPM: 140
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. For a long time I thought the narrator killed his girlfriend (I didn't know who wrote it and I didn't listen to the verses, tons of 2000s bands with similar-sounding singers wrote songs like that). And it's really just a song about "she moved to Canada so you'll never see her" but the guy's an adult so it's even funnier.
BPM: 104
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Source: Best-Mix 4 (website gives me SQL error)
Expert Notes: Unplayed. For some reason I keep thinking this file's from Mungyodance.
BPM: 130
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed. Apparently this song was way more popular in the ex-Soviet countries than it was here, and I was all set for some Russian jokes until the invasion yesterday. Now I don't know how to feel. There was more here before, I need to stop pretending to be a fighter. Just don't elect people who get kids killed. I mean that in America too. Party's only worth so much. And I'm faking again. See?
BPM: 128
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. Fun fact, K-Pop is really good for making hard rock/metal covers, which is how I first heard this one. Unfun fact, no one's charted Kill Bill and I'm sad.
BPM: 138
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. I've never seen the Shrek movies (my friends are horrified) and I'm split, cause they apparently had a lot of good songs like this one but now people think they're just memes. I've always wanted to make a mashup with You're An Ocean by Fastball (which I would've put in here if anyone charted it). Like keep the BPM and pitch from this one but at least in the chorus work in the You're An Ocean chorus.
BPM: 131
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. I'd never heard this song but I miss the days when any Girl Rock song could go top 20 so what the hell.
BPM: 104
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. I know it's a meme now but it was on the radio a lot when I was little then I didn't hear it for 5-6 years, so it's nostalgic. Like I said before I've never seen Shrek but Mystery Men was fun. It did the "corporate asshole Superman" before it had been done to death (hint, if it was in a big-budget movie 20+ years ago it probably isn't edgy anymore) and my dad doesn't like bowling but I might put his skull in a d20 someday.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 186
Score (Expert): 9.86 (A) (6 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: Mostly a pretty generic "high BPM short streams" chart. There are four notable parts: the jacks in the first verse (easy to miss if you're not warmed up, and the chart starts almost instantly after the music in this one), the crossovers in the chorus, the 16th triplets in the bridges and the stepjumps during the drum sections in the second verse ("now everybody, do the paranoia"). None of them are that complex except maybe the stepjumps but at this BPM all four together hurt. There's a couple Bush-era political songs in here. I wasn't around back then so it doesn't feel real to me (there's nothing about today's shitshow on the songlist and there never will be). But the superhero settings I was raised on (Justice League Unlimited, Freedom City 2E, Champions) were written then and they all dealt with it, so it's familiar. It's my comfort politics apparently.
BPM: 148
Score (Expert): 8.63 (A) (11 Jan 2022)Score (Expert): 4.71 (C+) (10 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: The 4.71 was a fluke; my mom was watching the last day before the new semester and I wanted to do all the crossovers legit so I got baited by spins (if a stream starts with an up-arrow crossover in this chart it's a spin). There are a lot of stepjumps in sets of four and some of them lead right into streams, so it's hard to keep your combo. There are also enough freeze pivots to really mess you up if you're going on autopilot. It's frustrating because there's nothing individually in here I can't FC but I'm still pretty far from getting it. I'm pissed no one remembers this song, it's great. This and Shark In The Water, Mom and Dad always played them in the car when they were new. I respect the work that went into the XX pack but I generally don't like the song choices so I'm surprised this was in it.
BPM: 125
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (21 Feb 2022)Score (Expert): 9.69 (S) (9 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: Lots of gallops and 16th triplets in the opening verse, but it flows really well so it's not as hard as it sounds. The rest drops the gallops but not the triplets, and it's much streamier. The spins in the "majimakcheoreom" (thanks Google) part at the end of the chorus actually look fun to do legit. I'm not a K-Pop fan but my sister is, so I put some in for her and this song really grew on me.
BPM: 93
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 135-120 (135 until last verse)
Score (Expert): 9.53 (S) (21 Feb 2022)
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Long streams and some stepjumps, but the annoying part's the stops. They're exactly where you'd think if you know the song but they can throw you off, especially the "I'm the baaaaad guy" one. And then there's the last verse which has a ton of offbeat rhythms as you dance to her voice, both 12ths and 16ths (and I swear the 12ths aren't quite in time with the lyrics). I keep breaking combo on that high-pitched instrument at the start. P.S. I just found out "Billie Eyelash" redirects to her on Wikipedia and I think that's hilarious.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed. Part of me wants to take the Doofenshmirtz cover (it's really him, look it up), move this chart to it and put it in Memes.
BPM: 119
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. It took almost half my life but I can finally hear it without thinking of the Annoying Orange version I heard when I was 10. Truly I am blessed.
BPM: 100
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 118
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (2 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: The hard part here is the jacks. in the chorus. I guess there's a lot of candles but it's so slow, do they really matter? I'll be honest, I was choosing anything that sounded vaguely K-Poppy for my sister, but she's not playing now. If I hadn't already FC'd it it'd be gone.
BPM: 125
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. This might be a similar case to Black Diamond, it might get cut.
BPM: 125
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. This is the first official file so far, it's on X2 for PS2. I think it's great and I'd love to play an 8 or 9-foot Challenge edit but I can't find one.
BPM: 130
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. The only problem with this one is it's a clean version, which I didn't know when I got it, but this song's been charted at least 3 times so I might just swap the audio. Also "I'm so three-thousand-eight, you're so two-thousand-LATE" is the best pop line of the decade and if you disagee you're wrong. And it doesn't have the Challenge chart because that came out after I added it and I don't think Boom Boom Pow deserves a 9. We've got way too many as it is!
BPM: 125 (62 right before the drop)
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 122
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (11 Feb 2022)
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Easy even for a 7. Simple streams at low BPM. The only complicated part is some gallops/stepjumps when you follow the drums in the bridge, those broke my FC a couple times. There's a few candles I guess but yeah. And holy crap I haven't heard the name Taio Cruz in years. I'm like the smoker dog in that meme. I can't think of anyone in the 2010s who got that big and dropped as far off the map as he did.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 200
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (21 Jan 2022)Score (Expert): 9.79 (S) (9 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: It's fast and it has a bunch of gallops where the drums have them (especially before the chorus) but all the patterns are simple. It's rated a 9 and I figure a 200 BPM chart should be but I also got a goodflag on sightread so maybe not. But then it took forever to FC because it has almost 500 steps and I kept slowing down near the end. It has one of those "short streams and jumps" sections in the middle to drain you, all those gallops add up and the ending stream's over 40 notes long. If it is a 9 it's my first 9 FC. One of the absolute classic edgy teen songs, and the Mungyodance background is perfect (wow, never thought I'd say that).
BPM: 165
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 95
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (8 Jan 2022)
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Tons of gallops in this one. They're so slow it actually works against you, since you need to be precise in how you hit them. There's also a ton of freeze note pivots. The rare times you're not doing either you're dealing with stepjumps that aren't doublesteps so you have to move your feet quick, or short 16th streams. It'd look like a 9 if you didn't know the BPM. Anyway, what a classic song. There's a few contenders for the quintessential edgy teen song in this mix, maybe we'll take a poll and see who wins.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 118
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (11 Feb 2022)Score (Expert): 9.71 (S) (22 Jan 2022)Score (Expert): 9.41 (A+) (16 Aug 2021)
Expert Notes: The verses are streamy for a 7 with tons of jacks, 16th bursts where you have to move your feet and (towards the end of each verse) crossovers. The choruses are lighter, but if it wasn't slow enough to doublestep it'd definitely be an 8 from the patterns. It's easy to underestimate the 16ths because the rest of it's so slow, which is probably why it took like eight tries to FC it.
BPM: 123-87 (123 after the intro)
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (17 Aug 2021)
Expert Notes: This used to be my proudest score until I FC'd Breaking the Habit in mid-January 2022. It looks easy but there are so many places to break combo. The intro's so slow it's hard to keep your rhythm, not to mention the BPM shift to 122. And that's the thing with the whole song. The song's always switching between short streams (sometimes with freezes, gallops or twists) and quarter-note jumps so you constantly have to rebuild your rhythm. Or maybe I was worse in August, who knows. All I know is this was before the 3 attempts rule and I played it like 25 times. It's also just a triumphant song, you hear it and you feel like you made it through something.
BPM: 158-151
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed, but apparently the chart has the Bag Challenge thing where the "12ths" are really 32nds and 64ths. Hopefully my big timing windows let me dodge that and all the little BPM changes but it looks awful to PA. Apparently it's a big sports anthem which is the most random thing. Then again the NBA's still using the Addams Family song in the year of our lord 2022, or, you know, using the Addams Family song at all. It was also in a trailer for the third Shrek. Bet the parents groups loved that one.
BPM: 118-59 (59 in first half of first verse, ending)
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 108
Score (Challenge): 10 (FC) (16 Jan 2022)
Challenge Notes: Weird chart. Slow and not very dense, but lots of the hardest patterns: stepjumps and 16th triplets. I think they just threw stuff in so it wouldn't be a 5 at that tempo. Not as unfun as I'm making it sound though. This was actually the first version I heard, in the 2020's too (I was like 1 when Hilary Duff's movies came out so I never heard of them, Lizzie McGuire sounds vaguely familiar but that's it). Most people probably hate it but I like it, it's distinct from the original without sounding like a totally different song. It's supposed to be a Challenge remix so I tried to find a harder version but I couldn't.
BPM: 122 (61 for the last "everything that kills me... makes me feel alive" line)
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed.
Challenge Notes: Unplayed.
BPM: 229
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. This is the first 9 from the Mungyodance file.
BPM: 127
Score (Expert): Unplayed
Expert Notes: Unplayed. How did I not know this had an official chart? I stan SuperNOVA2 and X but I think there's an alternate world where I had the first two MAX games as a kid instead.
BPM: 140
Score (Expert): 9.16 (A+) (16 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: It's as streamy as you'd expect from a hard 8 and it turns and flows pretty well. Plenty of jacks. You're following the high-pitched instrument from the start whenever it shows up, including the 16ths. There's a few measures of 12ths in the middle following the rap. Point is, you'll want a little more footspeed than the 140 implies. I think I was just cursed on this one though, I kept getting goods in random streams.
BPM: 162-160
Score (Expert): 9.44 (A+) (5 Sept 2021)
Expert Notes: Basically simple (as in mostly crossover, jack and turn-free) streams. The chorus is harder, with running men and nasty stepjumps at the end. I'm a lot better at stepjumps and drills than I was when I played this, I could probably FC this easily if I had my pad right now (early March 2022). Of course, I thought the same thing about Animal and look how that turned out. And Jojo fans, we need to talk. It's one thing that Part 3 didn't use this in the credits. I get it, licensing's expensive and they needed to use Last Train Home at least for the ending. But the Dead Man's Party AMVs on YouTube have less than 600 views between them, none of them are that good tbh, none of them are at DIO's mansion where the dead man's party actually is, and it took six years for the first one to come out. You guys slept on this song for SIX YEARS. (also why do you call character themes leitmotifs that's not what leitmotifs are i'm punching my dashboard rn)
BPM: 122-118 (mostly 119)
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (28 Feb 2022)
Score (Challenge): Unplayed
Expert Notes: No disrespect to the charter, but I'm guessing this is one of those songs where they only really cared about the hardest chart. Not that it's unfun, it's just tons of short cookie-cutter/repeated patterns. Lots of crossovers though, some in streams. If you can't do them yet expect a lot of doublestepping. It gets harder as you go until the guitar solo (stepjump after stepjump).
Challenge Notes: Unplayed. When I was younger I always got Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan mixed up. I still have to catch myself.
BPM: 92-91
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (11 Jan 2022)
Expert Notes: There's a stop right before the second note; the note's a quarter beat after the stop. The verse follows the vocals pretty closely, including the gallops/16ths. The rest (two choruses) is just one giant stream. It's got crossovers, stepjumps, jacks, if you're getting into 7-footers and there's anything you need to practice, you can do it here at a super-low BPM. Dad used to have a lot of these late 90's, very early 00's mellow rock songs, like Barely Breathing and some Incubus stuff, but I think they were only on CD cause he stopped playing them after I was little. This whole sound's nostalgic for me and it's not even the painful nostalgia you get where it feels like someone put a knife in you. It's the good kind.
BPM: 122
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (26 Dec 2021)
Expert Notes: Sightread FC. Most of it plays like a 5, but after the first chorus it ramps up (the seven jacks in a row are a clue); there's full streams and you're galloping to the guitar. Made the sightread a bit stressful, since I was tired and not expecting it.
BPM: 132 (264 for a stutter gimmick in the "ay ay ay-ay ay ay ayyyy" part)
Score (Expert): 9.82 (S) (28 Feb 2022)Score (Expert): 9.57 (S) (11 Feb 2022)
Expert Notes: It's long, over two minutes. It's very streamy and full of stepjumps and 16th triplets. Some would say it's overcharted, not me though. The streams flow well most of the time but still, prepare to doublestep. There's three stops (one before each chorus and one before the last note, all over a second long) and the stutter gimmick I mentioned. If you don't know the song they'll be tough. It's like a wrong age tax. Feels more like an 8 than a 9 and I'm only one good off an FC after about ten tries, though I'm noticing I think that about a lot of 9's lately. Maybe I have a lot of really easy 9's or maybe I got better and low 9's don't feel that hard anymore. Probably both. I said on Bad Romance I was blessed, but I'm actually twice blessed because I can usually hear this one without thinking of either the Annoying Orange or the Enderman versions... usually. If you pronounce it "gang" like everyone on TV did back then I'll fight you. I don't care if it's been ten years. Utterly unforgivable.
BPM: 129
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (16 Aug 2021)
Expert Notes: You're dancing to her voice for most of the song. Simple 1-measure streams. After the second chorus you even get a full measure break between them! It's a short song too so it has one of the lowest stepcounts in the game. So many doublsteps, you can tell it's an ancient chart, but it's only a 7, you can deal.
BPM: 116
Score (Expert): 10 (FC) (16 Aug 2021)
Expert Notes: Nothing complex here, just simple streams and a few stepjumps, but this is the kind of song where you want a simple chart. I'll probably update this later but I can't think of anything right now lol