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BEMANI In DDR: Premium Best

I had a project called BEMANI in DDR, where I wanted to find every BEMANI song available in DDR and put them all in one easy download. I got pretty far too. Then I made some Youtube videos to advertise this site, showing all the songs I collected... and frankly, I realized most of them were clones of each other or just plain shit, and a lot of them had bad charts too. I listened to those for hours making those videos. It broke my motivation. So I decided to start over and focus on the best ones.

All these files are made by other people; credit is in a file in each pack. I chose them based off which ones had the most Youtube views per game, as well as a few personal picks. The pack also includes handy spreadsheets to track your scores. If there are any songs you love that aren't in here, tell me in the guestbook and I might add them!

Fortunately, since these songs are better-known, they've been charted by people who are actually good at it, less than 20 years ago. So the average chart quality should be much higher than the old project.

All songs are rated on the X-scale; if you're used to the old scale there's a conversion guide in the download link. They aren't necessarily the same difficulty (compared to each other) as in their home games; part of that is I don't have a ton of choices per song, but also I like it because it makes things interesting. DDR is full of songs from other games that are harder or easier than back home.

Sometimes I can get an original song but not the cover from the game. I'll almost always use the original instead of marking it Not Found; it's probably the version BEMANI would have used if they could!

A small number of songs have ITG tech like footswitches, sideswitches and brackets. These are mostly high-level charts that you would need a pad like an LTEK to play, and even those are often toned down from the originals. This tech is starting to appear in officials so I didn't want to get rid of it completely, but I also didn't want to penalize players who can't afford a $400 pad. If you want to learn these techniques, I would check out the pack for ITL 2023. The 7 and 8 footers especially will ease you into tech. It's a useful skill even if you just want to play official charts. At least try footswitches; they're soooo fun!

To limit the file size there are no background videos, sorry. Not everyone's internet is stable enough for huge downloads.

Unlike the old project, this one will be updated in 5-year increments, which means we're currently through year 15 (2012). You download each increment, then take the folders out of each to put in Stepmania. It currently covers DDR through X3, IIDX through 20 Tricoro, GuitarFreaks through XG3, Pop'n through 21 Sunny Park, jubeat through saucer, REFLEC BEAT through colette winter, the first Sound Voltex, and all of 5key beatmania/beatmania III, Dance Evolution, Dance Maniax, Dance 86.4, Keyboardmania, ParaParaParadise, pop'n stage and ToysMarch.

Introducing Bounties!

There are still a few very popular songs that haven't been charted as far as I know. Here are the most popular according to Youtube (almost all from pop'n cause that's the big BEMANI series with the least charts). If you find or make any of these, please tell me about it in the guestbook on the main page. Note that if it's on Stepmania Online or was posted to Zenius in 2023 and earlier, I've almost certainly seen it. I might have decided not to use a file because it was a keyboard chart or I felt it didn't meet quality standards.

BEMANI In DDR: Premium Best!

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